Friday 17 August 2018

Medium sized aquariums

Post a pic of your aquarium.

Aquarium Care for beginners

Many fish keepers I know have some sort of filtration. Some are good some are not as good but what I have discovered over the years of having different fish is that good water quality is key to keeping a happy fish. So I will be highlighting the basics that in my opinion should be put in place to having good water quality. First, is to have a good cycled tank. This is having beneficial bacteria thriving in your tank to breaking down ammonia into nitrites then eventually into nitrates. I would start with mechanical filtration, this would be your foam pads or filter floss to trap all the fish waste and excess food. The cause of ammonia build up is the waste the fish releases and uneaten food. So the next step is to have biological media in your filters. Water needs to flow through them so bacteria can attach themselves to this media and reproduce. There are many different biological media you can use on the market for example ceramic rings or k1 media. I would use at least 3 different types. You can use this media in canister filters or sump filtration, the choice is yours. This will reduce ammonia spikes that are lethal to your fish, however nitrates are less harmful to fish than ammonia so regular water changes are still needed. Please comment below on your views and or methods of reducing fish waste.

Red Empress Cichlid

One of the most beautiful cichlids from lake malawi. This mild tempered fish boasts beautiful colours with different variations of blue. This fish is classified as a herbivore but can fed krill or prawn as a snack. Water quality is key to having a colourful fish. below are some of the many variants